Tuesday, 19 August 2014

How to grow your hair

Have you ever tried growing your hair where it gets to that certain length and seems to stop growing? You then get bored of it, get it chopped and regret it a few weeks later?......Yes I've been there too! I would constantly do this and always felt like my hair looked scruffy so always gave in and got it cut. I never managed to grow it a few inches past my shoulders. 

However things began to change after i made a few changes to my hair care routine. I noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair and it seemed to grow quicker. So with that I've now managed to get a bit of length to my hair and I'm very happy with it. The following tips are what has worked for me personally but you should note that everyone has different hair types so I can't say it will work the same for everyone. I hope you find it an interesting and helpful read.

Don't wash your hair every day
I know so many people who are obsessed with washing their hair everyday and in my opinion it's no good. By doing this your washing the natural oils out of your hair which is bound to affect the overall condition of it. How often you need to wash it partly depends on your hair type. If you have thin finer hair it may start to get greasy quicker and look limp. People with longer, thicker or curlier hair can get away with leaving it for longer usually. Even by washing your hair every other day may help as your hair may start to get used to it. I find that on the occasions that I wash my hair more, it tends to get greasy quicker. I'm not too fussy about what shampoo and conditioner I use, I'm using herbal essences at the moment ( pictured above). I just make sure I use plenty of conditioner. I tend to wash mine every 3 days or so. If your really worried about it looking greasy then invest in a dry shampoo, it can work wonders. I like 'Girlz only' dry shampoo available from Tescos for £2.00. Also try wearing it up in a ponytail or doing a pretty style on it-people are more likely to notice how nice it looks other than if it's slightly greasy.

Let it dry naturally
I've noticed a huge difference since doing this. Blow drying really makes my hair dry and fly-away. A handy tip is to put your hair in side bunches when it's still wet, that way you won't have it dripping down your back. Just make sure you squeeze the excess water out of your hair first. I always wash my hair in the evenings so that it has time to dry and I don't have to worry about it in the mornings.

Cut down on heat
Over using heat on your hair is a big no no. As I've mentioned above it's great to let your hair dry naturally without blow drying it, but using hair straighteners and curlers a lot should also be avoided. At most I straighten my hair once a week, sometimes not even that. I try to save it for special occasions and when I do, I always use heat protectant first. 

Brush away those tangles
It may sound obvious but make sure you brush your hair every day, in the morning and always before you go to sleep at night. Don't let it build up into a cobby mess before attempting to detangle it. There's nothing worse than ripping a brush through your hair! I swear by my tangle teezer (£10.99 Boots) as my hair gets really tangled especially after washing it-no matter how much conditioner I use! It gets so tangled that it's a bit embarrassing when I go to the hairdressers, they have to spend ages combing it out lol! 

Use Argan oil
I was recommended this by a few hair dressers (I'm a salon hopper and go to wherever can fit me in on the day lol). I apply it after washing and it makes my hair lovely and smooth. It can also help nourish dry and damaged hair. 

Don't let yourself get bored of your hair!
My last tip is keep your hair interesting so you won't be tempted to cut it. Obviously you should get it trimmed when needed. I only get mine cut about 2 or 3 times a year which dosn't sound like a lot but I find that's all I need to keep the split ends at bay. You should judge your own hair individually on when to get it cut. Also try new styles, there are so many tutorials on YouTube that show you how to do fishtail braids, dutch braids, all sorts of pretty hair styles,etc that don't require using heat. This will hopefully stop you from getting bored when your hair is in the 'growing out' phase. If you still find yourself getting tempted to cut it then watch disneys tangled to motivate yourself into keeping it long lol! 


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    1. Hi sorry for late reply I've been in work the last couple of days. Thank you for your comments they are much appreciated, glad you like my blog :) I will definitely check out your blog :) x

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    1. Hi there thank you for commenting I will definitely take a look at your blog :) x

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  4. Some great tips! Argon oil is forever my best friend when it comes to looking after my hair. It definitely helps.

    Nivii x
    Nivii's Diary | UK Fashion Blog
